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August Gardening To-Do List

August can be a challenging month for a gardener. 

Not only is this the hottest month of the year; but deer, rodents and other garden pests are still out-and-about munching on fruit and vegetable gardens. Enjoy the rest of summertime growing with these end of summer gardening tips on

flower-110692-1920.jpgTurn On the Waterworks

Because August is the hottest month of the year with temperatures in the 80s and 90s, it's important that plants receive the necessary water to avoid plants from dehydrating. Watering plants this August should be your number one concern. It's suggested to water plants in the morning to give plants the nutrients they need before the soil gets too hot. Watering midday puts flowers at risk of not getting the nutrition they need to quench their thirst and grow. Water plants before applying pesticides!

Pull Weeds

Cover base soil to deter weeds. As soon as you notice weeds, start tugging! Weeds spread and can not only kill your new seedlings or existing plants; but weeds are also unsightly on lawns and in gardens and create an unhealthy looking garden. For larger landscapes, weed killers and sprays can be used to tackle weed problems.

Prune Flowers

Pruning is when gardeners cut the dead ends off of perennial flowers, annuals and branches. Now is the time to deadhead summer-flowers that may have dead leaves to avoid plant disease and undesired seasonal pests such as mites and aphids. Rotted plants can spread the disease to healthy plants, if not cared for by pruning. Pruning evergreens can stop in August.

To Fertilize Or Not Fertilize Flowers?

Late summer is not always a good time for fertilizer. Plants in dry soil may be harmed by fertilizer and can ruin the root systems.

Fall Plants To Grow

Now is the time to start  ordering and planting tulips and daffodils (which are deer resistant plants) to add color to your flowerbed along with spinach, lettuce and greens for your veggie garden. Most plants will tolerate light frost; but they can be covered with blankets or transferred to a cold frame to keep warm.

Some plants long for summer heat and can be planted to spruce up the garden including Black-eyed Susans and sage (another deer resistant plant!).

Deer Management

Before fall gardening, install a deer fence to keep away deer and other pests. Deer are still active in the fall season and will target your herb garden, if given the opportunity. To avoid deer damage in the garden, build a poly or metal garden fence to maintain a deer proof garden.

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