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Deer Behavior In Fall

Posted by Jennifer Smith on 10th Nov 2017

   Autumn and Winter are hard times for white-tailed deer. 

  First and foremost, whitetails are trying to avoid becoming deer meat; and they are moving out of the woodlands in search of food to get them through the rapidly-approaching winter season. As you can imagine, they face multiple problems this season including a lack of natural resources and cover from deer hunters. 

  White tails are still eating leaves and twigs; but these natural foods will soon diminish. This is why they are travelling onto properties to scope-out vegetable gardens and flowerbeds. (Even flowers will soon relocate indoors to avoid frost or be set in a cold frame.) If gardeners aren't implementing deer management strategies, including the installation of deer fence, they will find that their crops are long-gone. 

  For now, bucks and does are moving quietly onto lawns and gardens in the night and early morning hours. Although it is warmer in the daytime, deer use this time to sleep in the sunshine, then, move frequently and walk into the wind and cold. By doing so, deer are avoiding predatory animals (wolves, coyotes, bears) and humans. 

  Although deer are most active in dawn and dusk, deer movement patterns will change as the seasons do. 

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