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Get Involved: Earth Day 2019 Is Here!

Posted by Jennifer Smith on 22nd Apr 2019

The Earth is facing challenges - with climate change; the loss of wildlife habitat; and issues stemming from human error. There are many activities that people can do to get involved in Earth Day events this April to save wildlife and protect the environment. 

Here are ways to get involved this 2019 on Earth Day:

  • Plant pollinating flowers for bees; hummingbirds; and other pollinators. Here's why. #savethebees.
  • Plant trees and protect them from deer. They are being damaged by both deer and humans and are cut down to make room for shopping mall; parking lots; and paper products. 
  • Advocate for change and spread the word to children about climate change.
  • Pick up trash. Stop being trashy, people! Wild animals, including sea life, are getting caught up in YOUR mess.

We only have one life; and our future depends on how we treat the world. Start by protecting it. 

"Life begins in a garden." 

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