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Thinking About a Career In Agriculture?

Posted by Jennifer Smith on 24th Apr 2020

Teens that have expressed an interest in gardening and farming may be interested in studying Agriculture at the university level and becoming growers. There are many high school and college level programs throughout North America that allow young people to get growing. For individuals thinking about a career in agriculture, consider registering for a summer farming internship. Here's why:

Students will learn how to grow their own food; while learning from the best in the field. Their mentors, veteran farmers, can teach them about proper farming techniques while sharing tried and true stories from their pasts. They will learn what they like and don't like - whether they want to grow food; perform plant research; study hybrid plants; or get involved with farm equipment.Farming interns will learn about farm management strategies, including wildlife control on farms, and how to harvest  vegetables. They will gain knowledge of the farming industry while making friends. Farming interns may even get paid for their hard work - an added bonus! 

Those thinking about becoming farmers one day may decide to enroll in a hands-on farming internship program where they can get growing while learning about their potential career choice.

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