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White-tailed Deer Population Estimate

How Many Deer Are In the United States?

In 1930, there were 300,000 deer scattered throughout the United States. Today, there are approximately 30 million white-tailed deer and other cervid family members roaming the country; and they are causing billions of dollars in crop damage on landscapes along the way. Some states are having a worse time than others managing deer populations and movement on lands; but of course, land use, agriculture production and location are factors. Homeowners residing in urban settings tend not to have as much of a problem than in rural areas.

Based on 2015 deer populations estimates from North American Whitetail Magazine, here are the worse deer states to live:


1) Georgia: Deer population around 1.2 million

2) Oklahoma: Deer population around 500,000

3) Colorado: Deer population around 25,000

4) Iowa: Deer population around 400,000.

5) South Dakota: Deer population around 300,000

6) Alabama: Deer population around 1.8 million

7) Nebraska: Deer population around 375,000

8) North Dakota: Deer population around 90,000

9) Arkansas: Deer population around 1.1 million

10) Wyoming: Deer population around 60,000

11) Indiana: Deer population around 1 million

12) Texas: Deer population around 4 million

13) Kansas: Deer population around 650,000

14) Kentucky: Deer population around 900,000

15) Illinois: Deer population around 850,000

16) Mississippi: Deer population around 1.8 million

17) Ohio: Deer population around 800,000

18) Wisconsin: Deer population around 1.2 million

19) Missouri: Deer population around 1.3 million

20) Minnesota: Deer population around 1 million

These are the top states where deer management is a must. Installing deer fencing at least 7.5' feet high is recommended to protect organic gardens, farms and pastures from the threat of deer browsing and damage.

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