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Bust Your Pests: Squirrels and Birds

Bust Your Pests: Squirrels and Birds

Posted by Shelby Carlson on 31st May 2023

Birds and squirrels are often considered charming and delightful additions to our outdoor spaces. Their playful antics and melodic songs can bring a sense of life and energy to any yard or garden. However, these seemingly innocent creatures can also cause significant damage to our plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. From nibbling on tender leaves to stealing ripe produce and leaving behind a mess of droppings, birds and squirrels can quickly become unwelcome guests. As a result, many homeowners and gardeners find themselves searching for effective ways to deter these critters from their precious green spaces. In this informative guide, we'll explore various strategies and techniques that can help protect your yard or garden from the destructive behavior of birds and squirrels, while still allowing you to enjoy the beauty and benefits of nature in your outdoor oasis.

1. Install Bird Netting

One of the most effective ways to keep birds away from your garden is to install bird netting over your plants. This lightweight, mesh material can be draped over your plants or attached to a frame to protect your fruits and vegetables from being eaten by birds. Be sure to secure the netting tightly so that birds cannot sneak in through any gaps.

DeerBusters carries a variety of sizes when it comes to bird netting, that can help you keep your garden and trees safe.

2. Use Reflective Objects

Both birds and squirrels are known to be deterred by reflective objects. Hang shiny items like old CDs, aluminum pie pans, or reflective tape around your garden to scare off these critters. The sunlight reflecting off these objects will create a visual disturbance that can help keep birds and squirrels at bay. As with any animal, birds and squirrels are afraid of sounds and lights that they don't recognize. You can use this to your advantage by periodically playing loud noises or bright lights around the perimeter of your yard or garden to scare these animals away.

3. Set Up a Decoy

A decoy predator, such as a fake owl or snake, can help deter birds and squirrels from entering your yard or garden. Scarecrows have been used for centuries to ward off birds and other animals from crops, and they can also help to protect your garden from unwelcome visitors. Consider setting up a scarecrow decoy in your yard so that birds will be scared away by its presence. Place the decoy in a visible location and move it around periodically to maintain its effectiveness.

4. Plant Deterrents

Certain plants can help repel birds and squirrels naturally. Try planting strong-smelling herbs like mint, lavender, or rosemary around the perimeter of your garden. These fragrant plants can help mask the scent of your fruits and vegetables, making them less appealing to hungry critters. Some flowers, such as daffodils and marigolds, are also known for their unpleasant taste to birds and squirrels.

5. Provide an Alternative Food Source

By setting up a designated feeding area away from your garden, you can help keep birds and squirrels from feasting on your plants. Provide birdseed, corn, or other treats in a separate location to draw these creatures away from your precious fruits and vegetables. You could also choose the simple option of hanging up a bird feeder away from your plants or providing a spot for squirrels to dig and find their own nuts and seeds.

6. Install Fencing

A fence is an effective way to keep birds and squirrels out of your outdoor space without having to use potentially toxic repellents or poisons. Make sure that the fence is at least 3 feet tall so that it can effectively deter larger critters like raccoons or rabbits from entering your yard as well. You'll also want a fence with small openings that squirrels cannot squeeze through and bury the bottom of the fence at least six inches underground to prevent them from digging under it.

At DeerBusters, we have many hardware cloth options that are perfect for this application so you can protect your garden or yard from squirrels with ease.

7. Use Squirrel Repellents

There are commercial squirrel repellents available that can help keep these critters away from your garden. Look for non-toxic options that use natural ingredients like capsaicin or garlic to deter squirrels from entering your outdoor space.

8. Remove Attractants

Eliminate potential food sources and nesting sites by keeping your yard clean and free of debris. Regularly clean up fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds, and trim back tree branches that provide easy access to your garden.

9. Employ Humane Traps

If all else fails, consider using humane traps to catch and release squirrels or birds that have become persistent pests in your garden. Be sure to follow local regulations and guidelines for trapping and relocating wildlife.

Protecting your yard or garden from the potentially damaging effects of birds and squirrels is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and thriving outdoor space. By implementing a combination of preventative measures, deterrents, and practical solutions, you can effectively manage these critters and safeguard your plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It's essential to remember that our yards and gardens are part of a larger ecosystem and that finding a balance between enjoying the presence of wildlife and preserving our green spaces is key. Through patience, persistence, and the use of the strategies outlined in this guide, you can create a harmonious environment where both your plants and local wildlife can coexist and flourish. So, don't let the challenges posed by birds and squirrels deter you from cultivating the beautiful and bountiful garden of your dreams. With the right approach and some thoughtful planning, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – a thriving garden and the delightful presence of nature's creatures.

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