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Celebrate Canada Day On July 1st!

Posted by Jennifer Smith on 1st Jul 2019

Canada is 152 years old today - but the celebration is much more than a birthday.

Originally called Dominion Day since July 1, 1867, Canada Day is a nationwide celebrate of the unity between the three separate colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Canada Day is often referred to by the media as the birthday of Canada; however, it is more than conception; but rather celebrating the full independence of the nation.

While there were not celebrations during the first 12 years of Canada's existence, there are many ways Canadians can now get involved to celebrate this Canadian federal holiday. For one, Canadians can educate others about the British Empire and how Canada became, well, Canada. Canadians can celebrate with fireworks; parades; BBQs and of course, listening to Canada's national anthem, "O Canada."

Spend time outside, and you might catch the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Mounties) performing drills and choreography on horseback.

Happy Canada Day! #CanadaProud #CanadaDay2019

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