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Customer Visit with Eddy

Customer Visit with Eddy

Posted by Cassidy Plasterer on 17th May 2022

As you know, the Trident family is hoping to acquire more content like photos and videos for our customers. We are always looking to improve! Since we don’t install our fencing, it can be a challenge to capture content of our products. Although, customers help us out tremendously when they send us photos showing off all their hard work.

The Trident team decided the best way to get video/photo content was to visit our customers. After reaching out to quite a few customers, we received a lot of positive feedback. Our first visit was scheduled!

Eddy was our first visit; he was nothing but kind. Upon arrival, we had a breakfast station with all the sweets you could think of. This was completely unexpected and very generous. After getting some sugar in our system, we were ready to work.

Now this visit was a little different, instead of just grabbing content, we agreed to help install the 15x15 Welded Wire Garden Enclosure. Eddy showed us where he wanted the enclosure, and we began our preparation. After setting up the camera and unwrapping all the fence, we began building.

On our first day there, we built the top of the gate. Initially, we laid out all of the poles and fittings for the top of the enclosure. Once we had everything lined up and ready to go, we started connecting all of the pieces together. Then we rolled out the welded wire fencing and attached the fencing using zip ties and the cutter puller tool. We decided that bringing more cutter puller tools would be beneficial so we could all work on it together. This helped speed up the process! After that, we set the top of the gate aside and tackled the post placement measurements. Soon after that, we left, and good thing we did because the rain was coming. Day one was a success!

The second day, we were greeted with more sugar (but we weren’t complaining)! We went right to work. After finishing putting in the posts, we were ready to place and secure the top of the enclosure we had prepped the day prior. Putting the top of the enclosure was our toughest challenge, fortunately, there were four people willing to help! After a few trial-and-error runs, we got the enclosure top secure and in place! At this point, all we needed to do was attach the fencing and build the gate. Attaching the fence does take time, but we managed to get it done quickly. We built the gate, and we were finally done!

Overall, it was a fairly easy installation. Through troubleshooting, we uncovered a few things we would like to change in our current instructions. We are grateful Ed allowed us to visit and help him build this enclosure. It was a pleasure. He plans to send us photo updates on the garden too! Thank you, Ed!

The Trident team is looking forward to meeting and getting to know more about our customers and how our fence has impacted them! Stay tuned to see where we will go next!

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